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The Advocacy Center, Inc.
Wisdom, Integrity, Tact, and Honor.

The Advocacy Center, Inc. is  an all-woman managed and led nonprofit advocacy service center founded in honor of Honorary Colonel Petty Officer First Class Gene Shearer.  Growing up as a small child The Advocacy Center, Inc. 's ("TAC") Founder, Michelle Hubbs, watched her father, Honorary Colonel Petty Officer First Class Gene Shearer, use his work in faith-based nonprofit management to help those most vulnerable.  He truly believed that given the right attitude and enough grit and grace, anyone could overcome any circumstance and right a multitude of wrongs, a stance he tried to live and a stance our heavenly Father holds to be true Himself. Her father's example sparked a lifelong passion within Michelle to create a faith-based nonprofit that embodied both her dad's and heavenly Father’s heart, an organization that put God’s heart first not only in what they did but how they did it.  Wisdom, integrity, tact and honor. These are values that reflect the heart of God and they are the very values Michelle's father tried to emanate. This is why TAC's core values are and always will be wisdom, integrity, tact and honor. 











TAC was formed to offer alternative approaches to conflict and social injustice through community-based programs that promote the restoration of peace and the protection of human and civil rights. Through partnerships with local courts, nonprofits, state and federal agencies, TAC provides low-cost or free non-attorney agency services in the areas of conflict resolution and nonprofit advocacy to individuals, businesses and organizations in the communities where we serve. These programs allow disputes to be settled out of court in an online simple, convenient, low-cost manner. TAC’s fees are in line with the requirements set out every year by the by the United States Federal Courts,  and the Federal Poverty Guidelines as issued by the Department of Justice and USCIS for legal aid services. 


With a focus on ensuring equal access to justice through the promotion of peace and the protection of civil and human rights, TAC's work focuses on restoring peace in relationships, families, communities, and regions where we serve.


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